The most significant step you take on the journey to Christianity is to be baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. In fact, by virtue of baptism, you become a Christian. Just as your natural birth was a gift from your biological parents, the supernatural birth conferred at baptism is a gift from your Christian family—a source of enormous grace you can either embrace... or dismiss.
At St. George's and St. Matthew's we baptize children and adults. If you (or your child) are ready for baptism, we encourage you to contact Fr. String. Moreover, we encourage you to come and worship with us regularly both before and after you are baptized, so that through God's grace you may grow steadily in faith.
The intensity of the intimacy you enjoy with God—or another person—is directly proportional to the strength of your commitment to that relationship. Where there is no commitment, there can be little, if any, true intimacy.
In baptism you become a Christian. At confirmation you become an Episcopalian. The Book of Common Prayer explains that at confirmation individuals “express a mature commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop.”
At St. George's and St. Matthew's, a bishop visits every year for confirmation. In the months leading up to the bishop's visitation, the rector offers his Confirmation/Christian Doctrine Class for candidates who want to be, or are considering being, confirmed. If you or someone you know is interested in preparing for confirmation, please contact us.