Funerals & Memorial Services
Upon the death of a loved one, the church office should be notified as soon as possible. They also will want to know about those who need comfort and counsel as they face death. By being involved early in situations of death or impending death, we can help with the necessary decisions regarding funeral arrangements, as well as caring for the spiritual needs of all those affected.
Costs & Fees
Commending the souls of the departed to Almighty God's loving mercy is part of the divine commission of the Church. Accordingly there are no fees for the priest or for the use of our facilities. The family, however, will be responsible for paying for flowers and any musicians or vocalists.
“On a distant shore and in a greater light”; Commendations for the Dying or Recently Departed
[Name]—Go forth upon thy journey from this world, O Christian soul.
Go in the name of God the Father Almighty who created thee,
In the name of Jesus Christ, his Son, who suffered for thee,
In the name of the Holy Ghost who strengthened thee.
In communion with the blessed saints and accompanied by angels and archangels and all the armies of the Heavenly Host,
May thy portion this day be peace. And thy dwelling in the heavenly Jerusalem. Amen.
Thou didst support him/her all the long, hot day,
to the lengthening of the shadows and the setting sun;
Now is the fever of life over; the busy world is hushed;
and his/her work is done.
Grant her/him, Lord, at the ending of her/his quest, all journeyings past,
A safe lodging and a holy rest
And peace at last. Amen.
Two verses from an old Irish song:
Hark, a solemn bell is ringing
Clear through the night.
Thou, my love, art heavenward winging
Home through the night.
Earthly dust from off thee shaken
Soul immortal shalt thou awaken
With thy last dim journey taken
Home through the night.
ALMIGHTY GOD, FATHER OF ALL MERCIES and giver of all comfort: deal graciously, we pray Thee, with those who mourn, that, casting their grief and cares upon Thee, they may know the consolation of Thy love; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen