A Prayer of Gratitude

Lord, I thank you for

All the love you offer me
Your creation and my existence in it
The image of God in me
The holy angels bearing divine protection and favor
Every grace you have bestowed on nature

Your recreation and my salvation in it
The suffering you ask me to bear

The light and power of the Holy Spirit
Your holy Church and her sacraments

The benefit of medical care
All the healing and health you afford me

For everything you provided today/yesterday…
All shelter, food, and clothing

For all my family and friends
For all the talents with which you have blessed me

For all the many talents with which you have blessed others, talents that have also enriched my life
For all the wonderful life experiences and opportunities you have afforded me

And for the sacrifices and generosity of: (list the names of those most influential in the formation of your life) Amen.