A Prayer for Narcissists and Sociopaths

Sometimes, people wake up one day and realize they have behaved horribly towards others, both strangers and those they “love.” Egregious antisocial behavior can be a one-off or rare event. But other times, it’s part of a pattern. For reasons that may remain murky (a psychological injury or neurological disorder?) some people turn inward and become self absorbed. They either choose to ignore or can’t recognize the needs and legitimate feelings of others in their lives. They lie, they cheat, they engage in all manner of destructive behaviors—and often they don’t care. With luck and the relentless love of others (and prayer), some sociopaths and narcissists come to realize what they are, recoil with horror, and try to turn their lives around. They were blind but then they saw. Anyone with a psychological disorder should seek professional help, but here’s a prayer for those who have seen a light:

O Almighty God, I sense that there is little help or good in me. I realize that much of what I do, or try to do, is corrupted by my own selfishness and narcissism. Please give me an abundance of grace to help me overcome the dark impulses of my inner disposition. Please purge me of my wickedness and deceit, not just for my own benefit, but so that I may show some modicum of decency to others and some measure of love to those who deserve it and have a rightful claim on at least a minimum of my responsible devotion.

Please comfort and bless all those whom I callously have hurt or offended. Please forgive me. Please help others to forgive me. Help me to atone where i can, and please have mercy on my soul. —Amen